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Our 5 Tips To Keep Your Pet Rabbit Happy And Healthy

The best way to keep a pet rabbit happy is to provide them with a comfortable, stimulating environment that suits their physical, social, and psychological needs.

Here are some of our team’s top tips on how to keep your bunny hopping for joy!
  1. Keep the rabbit’s living space clean, spacious, and well-ventilated. The animal should be able to move around freely, stretch, and stand up on its hind legs.

  2. Feed your pet rabbit hay, fresh vegetables, and small amounts of fruit to ensure a healthy diet. Always make sure there is fresh water available and clean food daily.

  3. Ensure rabbits get regular exercise. Rabbits are active animals who require regular exercise in order to remain healthy. Your pet rabbit should have room to run, hop and jump around their area safely.

  4. Provide mental stimulation: Rabbits are intelligent animals that need mental stimulation to avoid boredom and depression. You could provide toys such as tunnels and balls, hide their favourite treats around their living space to encourage natural foraging, rotate their toys to keep the environment fun or provide a digging box with shredded paper or hay.

  1. It is important to socialize with your rabbit: Rabbits are social animals that enjoy human interaction and can also bond with other rabbits. Spending quality time with your rabbit daily, petting, playing, and talking to it will keep them socialised and happy.