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Dog Rocks 200G

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Save your lawn with dog rocks, alongside proper garden maintanence you will see a difference in 3-5 weeks. Stop those unsightly urine burn patches ruining your luscious garden and shrubs.
How they work: dog rocks act as a filter to help purify your dogs drinking water by removing some nitrates, ammonia and harmful trace elements which is what causes your lawn to burn. Just place 100g of dog rocks for every litre of water and replace the rocks every 2 months. An all-natural solution to save your garden!

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Save your lawn with dog rocks, alongside proper garden maintanence you will see a difference in 3-5 weeks. Stop those unsightly urine burn patches ruining your luscious garden and shrubs.
How they work: dog rocks act as a filter to help purify your dogs drinking water by removing some nitrates, ammonia and harmful trace elements which is what causes your lawn to burn. Just place 100g of dog rocks for every litre of water and replace the rocks every 2 months. An all-natural solution to save your garden!